CTPD Student Rules and Regulations

Center For Training and Projects Development (CTPD) Student Rules and Regulations


Student Rules and RegulationsThe following is a summary and explanation of the rights, responsibilities, and rules governing student conduct at all the centres of the Centre for Training and Projects Development (Pty) Ltd (CTPD). This statement serves as a general framework and is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of all possible infractions. Students violating any of the institutional rules and regulations are subject to disciplinary action. All sanctions imposed by the student conduct system must be obeyed or additional sanctions may be levied.

Please note that these rules and regulations are not a representation or replacement of the external examinations bodies code of conducts, rules and regulations. Students must always comply to rules and regulations of their respective external examinations bodies too.

Students shall not be absent from classes or practical for whatever reason unless on the grounds of an approved leave by the Centre Manager. Only official leave and sick leave authenticated by an approved medical doctor indicating that the named student has been examined and found unfit for studies or work will be accepted as reasons for absence. For any unforeseen circumstances (emergencies) student must call and reporting his/her absenteeism to the Students Affairs Office or the Centre Manager. Any student who does not follow any of the above procedures to authenticate his/her absence will be issued with a Letter of Warning. A student who absents him/herself from classes or practical lessons for three days in a month without authenticating his/her such absence as provided above shall be expelled from his/her studies with CTPD. The expelled student shall remain liable for all the outstanding fees payable to CTPD.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of alcohol on Centre property or as part of any Centre activity is prohibited. The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of illicit drugs, controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs), or paraphernalia or the misuse of prescription drugs, including sharing, procuring, buying, or using in a manner different from the prescribed use, or by someone other than the person for whom it was prescribed is prohibited on Centre property or as part of any Centre activity. Read the full policy
Assault, Endangerment, of Infliction of Physical Harm
Physical restraint, assault, or any other act of violence or use of physical force against any member of the community, or any act that threatens the use of physical force is forbidden. Conduct whether reckless or intentional that a person knows, or which any reasonable person under the circumstances would know, places oneself or another at risk of bodily harm is subject to disciplinary action, whether or not the risk is realized. The students conduct committee, in consultation with the Students Affairs Office, will review the conduct and the circumstances in which it occurred and decide whether it falls under a minor or major adjudication, or to refer it to the Executive Management Committee (EMC) or Board of Studies for adjudication. The more reckless the conduct and the greater the risk of serious bodily harm and/or the greater the actual bodily harm caused, the greater the likelihood of a severe sanction. Read the full policy
Avoidance of Study Work
CTPD offers internationally recognized vocational and professional courses. While all our course programs meet the local industry needs, they are globally offered through many accredited institutions worldwide hence they demand for full student’s discipline, commitment and hard work to pass. Our Faulty staff don’t provide examinations scope but are always available to provide teaching and learning support to prepare students to pass the internal and external assessments. Students who pass our courses make a huge difference in the industry due to the nature of knowledge, skills and competencies they gain during the learning process. A student absconds classes, fails to attend to his/her assignments, practical tasks or proves his/her commitment to his/her course work may be disciplined in accordance with the institutional disciplinary procedures. Read the full policy
Bullying and Intimidation
Bullying. Bullying includes any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or a series of acts of physical, social, using unprofessional language or words, or emotional domination that cause physical or emotional harm to another student, group of students or any other Centre’s stakeholders including staff. Bullying conduct may not only cause a negative effect on individuals targeted, but also others who observe the conduct. Bullying conduct is severe, persistent, or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following: a) substantially interfering with a community member’s education, employment, or full enjoyment of the Centre;
 b) creating a threatening or intimidating environment; or
 c) substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the Centre. Bullying is prohibited, and participating in such acts will result in disciplinary action or reporting such behavior to Police. Intimidation. Intimidation is any verbal, written, or electronic threats of violence or other threatening behavior directed toward another person or group that reasonably leads the person(s) in the group to fear for her/his physical well-being constitutes intimidation, is prohibited, and will result in disciplinary action. Anyone who attempts to use bullying or intimidation to retaliate against someone who reports an incident, brings a complaint, or participates in an investigation in an attempt to influence the judicial process will be subject to disciplinary action. When bullying or acts of intimidation occur in the context of intimate-partner violence or when the behavior is perpetrated on the basis of sex or gender, the conduct will be resolved under the Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy. Read the full policy
Disorderly Conduct
Students at CTPD have the right to express their views, feelings, and beliefs inside and outside the classroom. These freedoms of expression extend so far as conduct does not impinge on the rights of other members of the community or the orderly and essential operations of the Centre. Disorderly conduct is not permitted. Violation of the orderly operation of the Centre includes, but is not limited to: 1) Excessive noise, which interferes with classes, Centre offices, neighbors, or other institutional campus and community activities; 2) Unauthorized entry into or occupation of a private work area; 3) Conduct that restricts or prevents faculty or staff members or student employees from performing their duties, including interruption of meetings, classes, or events; 4) Failure to maintain clear passage into or out of any Centre building or passageway; and 5) Failure to disperse when a building, office, or campus space is closed.
Events and Parties
The Centre defines an event as an academic, intellectual, cultural, and/or social gathering, which is open to all, current CTPD students, in a designated campus space in which alcohol may/may not be present for the entirety of the event. Funds and approval for Centre events can be obtained through the Students Affairs Office (SAO) and approved through the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) at least one (1) month in advance of the event. The Centre defines a party as a private social function where alcohol may be served, in a designated campus party space and more than ten (10) students are present. Under no circumstances may any Centre funding be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. A Centre party may be held on or off campus and may only be sponsored by CTPD students. All parties held on campus are automatically subject to this policy. If held off campus, a party becomes subject to this policy if either of the following conditions are met: 1) Centre funds or funds from the Students Social Affairs Committee (SSAC) of the Student Council or from any approved student organization, are used in whole or in part to sponsor the event. 2) The social function is broadly advertised on campus in such a way as to invite student attendance. This includes verbal, written, or electronic personal invitations to individual students.
Failure to Comply
The Centre expects students to comply with the directions of law enforcement officers or Centre officials acting in the performance of their duties. Furthermore, the Centre expects students held responsible for Student Code of Conduct violations to fully comply with all disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Centre. A responsible student’s failure to comply with imposed sanctions or any related directions of a Centre official in the performance of their duties will be subject to further disciplinary action.
False Representation
A student may not knowingly provide false information or make misrepresentation to any Centre office. 
In addition, the forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of Centre documents, records,
or instruments of identification, forged or fraudulent communications (paper or electronic mail) are prohibited
Fire Safety
Open flames are not permitted in residence halls. Any student with an open flame (e.g., candle, incense, etc.) will be subject to a N$2,500 fine. Students are financially responsible for damages resulting from reckless conduct or violation of Centre rules regulating residence hall safety. Tampering, interference, misuse, or destruction of fire safety and fire prevention equipment is prohibited. Damage or misuse of fire safety equipment will result in replacement costs plus a minimum $5000 fine, and further disciplinary action may be taken. Any student who causes an alarm to be set off for improper purposes is liable for the expenses incurred by the fire department(s) in responding to the alarm.
Harassment Based on a Protected Class
Harassment based on a protected class is defined as unreasonable, unwelcome conduct that is based on an individual’s sex, race, color, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, marital status, medical condition, veteran status, disability, or any other Centre-recognized protected classification. This type of harassment can occur in any form and can be directed at individuals or groups. When appropriate, minor infractions can be resolved informally and with remedial steps, including training, counseling, or mediation. When this harassment objectively and subjectively harms the person by severely, persistently, or pervasively interfering with the person’s educational opportunities, peaceful enjoyment of residence and community, or terms of employment, it is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion/dismissal. In all cases, the Centre encourages individuals to seek support and assistance as soon as harassing conduct occurs. Before any conduct can be considered for the student conduct process, it must be clear that no substantial free expression interests are threatened by bringing a formal charge of harassment. If a student has been subject to harassment or discrimination on the basis of a Centre-recognized protected classification as described above, the student should consult with the director of equal opportunity and engagement for guidance. If a student has been subject to sexual misconduct in any form, the student should consult report to compliants@ctpd-namibia.com or contact the Students Affairs Office at your nearest centre.
Hazing by Centre community members in any form
is prohibited, whether the activities occur on or off campus. The Centre supports and will strictly enforce the Commonwealth anti-hazing
law, Act 175 of 1986. This law defines hazing as “any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student or willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in any organization operating under
the sanction of or recognized as an organization by an institution of higher education. The term shall include but not be limited to any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or other forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical health and safety of the individual and shall include any activity which would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual, or any willful destruction or removal of public or private property. For the purposes of this definition, any activity as described in this definition upon which the initiation or admission into or affiliation with or continued membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be ‘forced’ activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding.” Individuals and/or organizations as a whole found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action

Students must at all times obey all reasonable instructions including but not limited to alterations to the workshop and equipment and cleaning of workshop and surrounding area. Students with insubordination attitude will face disciplinary action.

All students must be in class/workshop at or before the stipulated time as provided on the time table and must not leave the premises before end of the period.
Retaliation and Intimidation
The Centre will not tolerate retaliation. Retaliation against any person or group who makes a complaint, cooperates with an investigation, or participates in
a resolution process is a violation of Centre policy. Retaliation can take many forms, including continued abuse or violence, bullying, threats, and intimidation. Any individual or group of individuals, not just a complainant or respondent, can engage in retaliation. Retaliation should be reported promptly to the Students Affairs Office or send your compliant to compliants@ctpd-namibia.comand may result in disciplinary action independent of any sanction or interim measures imposed in response to the underlying allegation of misconduct.
Sexual Misconduct including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Stalking and Intimate-Partner Violence
CTPD Centre is committed to establishing and maintaining a community that is rich in equality and free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
The Centre seeks to create an environment in which the greatest academic potential of students and professional potential of employees may be realized. In order to create and maintain such an environment, the Centre recognizes that all who work and learn
at the Centre are responsible for ensuring that the community is free from discrimination based on sex or gender, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate-partner violence. These behaviors threaten our learning, living, and work environments and will not be tolerated The Centre’s Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy applies to sexual misconduct of all forms, including sexual assault, sexual and gender-based harassment, stalking, and intimate-partner violence
Smoking is prohibited in all spaces throughout the CTPD premises, including meeting rooms, lounges, offices, and open spaces. A $500 fine in addition
to other potential penalties, will be charged for violating this policy
Student Grievance Procedures
A grievance means any complaint or dissatisfaction which a student (whether or not that person has any other role within the Centre) has against the CTPD and/or a staff member because of a claim that he/she has sustained the teaching and learning disadvantage. Such grievances may include but are not confined to: 1) The unfair assessment of course work not governed by CTPD assessment and examination regulations. 2) An unfair refusal or failure of the staff member to make him/herself available to assist a student with difficulties regarding his/her course work. 3) Unreasonable delays in the assessment of course work. 4) Inadequate course materials. 5) Inadequate teaching. 6) Deficient performance of associated administrative services The Executive Management of the CTPD may not be fully aware of all that is happening on the ground in order to rectify any shortcomings in pursuance of offering quality vocational and professional education. Students are therefore duty bound to, without fear or favour, report any grievances through the appropriate avenues as provided in the Student Grievance Policy and Procedures. For professional guidance on how to have grievances resolved urgent students may contact our Quality Assurance and Compliance Office on complaints@ctpd-namibia.com, cell: +264 811282180 and Fax: +264 0886559294.
Student’s obligation towards the Institute
Students shall be required to: 1) Apply him/herself professionally, diligently and conscientiously to the work given to him/her; to be responsible for his/her studies, disciplined, punctual, productive, well behaved and obedient. 2) Attend all the learning periods and sessions, relate his/her learnt theory to practical situations through reflective learning, action learning, industrial site visits, volunteered practical jobs, reading industry magazines, articles and newspapers, apply him/herself seriously to his/her studies and pass the applicable courses. 3) Obtain the required learning resources, tools, safety cloths, study manuals, etc. 4) Update him/herself with the updated institutional rules and regulation, calendars, time tables, curriculum through notice boards, online, handouts, notices etc. 5) Adhere to all rules and regulations of the Institute.
Theft and Vandalism
Theft and negligent or intentional damage to personal or Centre property is prohibited, as is possession of stolen property. Repair and replacement costs will be charged to the appropriate students and may warrant Centre disciplinary action. For damage that occurs during a student event in
a space. Any theft cases should be reported to the Students Affairs Office which will report the matter to the State Police and obtain police report for insurance purposes
Unauthorized Entry or Access
Unauthorized entry into or presence within enclosed Centre buildings or areas, including administration arears, construction sites, and exam rooms or offices, even when unlocked, is prohibited. Tampering with locks to Centre buildings, unauthorized possession or use of Centre keys, and alteration or duplication of Centre keys is against Centre policy. Climbing on any Centre building or Centre-owned structure or being present on building roofs is not allowed. Participation in any of these activities may subject a student to fines and other sanctions
Unauthorized Use of Centre Facilities or Services
The unauthorized use of Centre property, including but not limited to Centre buildings, spaces and grounds; Centre documents and records; or Centre furnishings, equipment and materials, is a violation of Centre policy and is subject to disciplinary action. With authorization from the Centre Management, students may use the CTPD premises for Christ’s Praise and Worship and any other Lord’s meetings or work provided that such events shall not take place during class processes or have potential to interfere into the Centre’s teaching and learning operations. No any other religion shall be authorized to be practiced at any CTPD premises. The Acceptable Use the Centre Facilities and Services Policy provides further guidelines for use of Centre property.
Violation of State Laws
All students, whether local or international (foreign) student, shall fully comply with the state laws of the Republic of Namibia
Weapons and Fireworks
No student may possess or use a knifes, any dangerous objects, firearm on CTPD Centre’s property or its environs. Knifes, any dangerous objects and firearms, including rifles, shotguns, handguns, air guns, and gas-powered guns and all ammunition or hand-loading equipment and supplies for the same, are not allowed. No student may possess or use fireworks, dangerous devices, chemicals, or explosives on CTPD Centre property or its environs. Items such as knives that could be viewed as weapons are forbidden

1) Any Course Withdrawals or Cancellations must be received by the CTPD Board of Studies (BOS) in writing 5 working days or more prior to the class commencement date. No refund shall be allowed if any withdraw or cancellation is made in less than 5 working days prior to class commencement. 2) Upon submission of the withdraw and/or refund request, student should take responsibility to obtain an official acknowledgement letter and copy of Board of Studies (BOS) Minutes from the Students Affairs Office or the Centre Head/Manager confirming that his/her cancellation or withdraw from his/her studies with CTPD has been received and authorised by the BOS or Executive Management Committee. 3) Where refund is approved by the BOS, Registration fee shall not be refundable but Tuition fees (80%) shall be refunded less 20% (of tuition fees) to cover administration fee; 4) Refund payments are made directly to sponsors or student financers who must have paid CTPD for the student’s studies 5) No any refund is made if the student stops attending classes or is suspended from studies due to his/her failure to comply with the institution rules and regulations. In this case, student shall still remain liable for the full tuition fees; 6) Considering that our qualifications are internationally recognised and accredited in their countries of origin in which they have good standing, no refund shall be made on grounds of the offered course program not being accredited by NQA or NTA. However, where its proved that any of our such qualifications is not registered, accredited and have no good standing in its country of origin, refund may be approved by the Board of Studies provided that the Student provides evidence that information given to him/her by the CTPD staff responsible for his/her recruitment clearly claimed that such a program was accredited by NQA. 7) A student who is not satisfied with BoS’ resolution regarding refund request may appeal to the Students’ Appeals Board in writing within 5 working days from the date of receiving the outcome. 8) It shall be considered as a violation of the institutional policies if a student opts to report any internal operations concerns/cases such as unsatisfactory teaching and learning, refund or staff misconduct to any external authorities or individuals e.g. NQA, NTA, Police, Legal Attorneys, etc. without exhausting internal channels and platforms of resolving such concerns. CTPD will also consider actions of such authorities to be interventions into the operations of the institution unless where such acts are against the laws of Namibia and/or the student has exhausted all the internal avenues of solving the problem.