Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) Academic Centres
Programme Development Unit (PDU)
The Programme Development Unit is responsible for leading, coordinating and managing all programme development activities (both new and revised programmes) up to the point of registration of the resultant qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Innovation Design Lab
The Innovation Design Lab at NUST is a center of multi-disciplinary research applied to Namibian and African wicked problems. We pursue the transformation of a problem into a challenge, and a challenge into an opportunity. Through research, we foster a new generation of creative innovators.
Centre for Enterprise Development (CED)
The Centre for Enterprise Development (CED) was established in 2000 to spearhead tailor made training courses and lead strategies to alleviate poverty, diversify the markets and develop the Namibian labour force. Its main goal is to facilitate capacity building initiatives for the public, private and NGO sectors.
Cooperative Education Unit (CEU)
The Cooperative Education Unit (CEU) is an umbrella concept that describes the cooperation between the Namibia University of Science and Technology(NUST), industries, commerce, the public sector, the broader community to enhance learning and encompasses Work Integrated Learning (WIL).
Centre for Open and LifeLong Learning (COLL)
The Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning is mandated with the design and delivery of supported open and distance learning at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). As a distance education centre, we are an extended arm of NUST; focusing on learning through diverse means for a wide range of programmes of study. Our students accomplish their studies through the distance education mode: both in print and online, providing a rich learning environment in a flexible and interactive manner.
FABlab Design and Technology Centre
FABlab Namibia is the first advanced manufacturing, prototyping and design lab in Namibia and the largest FABlab currently within Africa. The lab was established in partnership with the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development to enhance local product competitiveness, bridge the technological divide through access to Information Communication Technology (ICT), new machinery, tools, knowledge, skills and equipment – ultimately to give rise to a technologically and creatively advanced local economy. FABlab Namibia will bring advanced vocational training to the country with the MIT FABfoundation accredited FABacademy certificate and diploma course (*starting in January 2017) as well as various other innovative activities, see the website for more details.
Tel: +264 61 207 2390
Email: sends e-mail)
Materials Testing Institute (MTI)
The MTI aims to become the Authority in Namibia for quality assurance in the field of Civil Engineering. Advanced education (CPD), applied research and consultancy in difficult engineering projects are means to achieve this goal.
Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII)
The Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII) provides training, mentoring and business support to innovative entrepreneurs looking to establish their own company as well to researchers interested in commercialising their technologies.
Namibian-German Centre for Logistics (NGCL)
The Namibian-German Centre for Logistics aims at supporting the tasks and needs of the local transportation and logistics industry. Its mission is to establish state of the art know-how in logistics in Namibia in research, education and practice.
Namibia Energy Institute
The institute represents the Namibia University of Science and Technology’s dedicated commitment to serve as a national information resource base for sustainable energy use and management.
Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU)
The Teaching and Learning Unit’s vision is to enhance the teaching and learning competencies of faculty and students through the use of innovative methodologies and technologies that ensure success for all.