About the Rundu Vocational Training Centre

About the Rundu Vocational Training Centre

Rundu Vocational Training Centre

History of the Rundu Vocational Training Centre

Formally known as Rundu Technical Institute, started in 1987 at Rundu Secondary Premise. It moved to the current premise in March 1990.

Our mission is to provide training opportunities for young Namibians to become skilled workers through vocational training.
The RVTC currently has seven fields of studies on a part-time and full-time basis, Auto electric, Auto mechanic, General electric, Brick laying/plastering, Plumbing & pipe fitting, Office administration and Joinery & cabinet making. Welding is currently only part-time but plans are underway to offer it full-time.

As one of seven formerly state-owned vocational training centres now under the supervision of the Namibia Training Authority, Rundu VTC has as its core business the training of young technically inclined Namibians in key vocational and technical areas. To this end, it focuses on offering:• Newly- designed unit standards and qualifications under the Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) curricula;
• A variety of training and up-skilling courses aimed at enhancing the technical and entrepreneurial skills of members of the community in which it operates;
• Namibia Qualifications Authority-accredited formal courses that are listed on the National Qualifications Framework, based on identified demands and resulting in an increase of highly qualified artisans and professional in various trade- or professional areas for the labour market; and
• A variety of informal skills- and entrepreneurial training based on requested and established demands, ultimately leading to improved local and regional entrepreneurial development; andOther services to the community and business sector, such as business information and support, counseling, product development, business mentorship and referrals.

Contact Information

Rundu Vocational Training Centre
Maria Mwengere Road
Private Bag 2081, Rundu, Namibia
Tel: +264 66 269000, Fax: +264 66 255364
Email: info@rundu.vtc.org.na

Mr. Kornelius Lukas
Tel: +264 66 269000, Fax: +264 66 255364
Email: reception@rundu.vtc.org.na/klukas@rvtc.edu.na