NUST Host 23 SWISS Industry Experts 2018
The partnership between NUST and the B360 Education Partnerships grew from strength to strength in 2018 as to date 23 experts have been hosted on campus. Through this partnership Swiss industry experts undertake short teaching assignments at NUST, and students from the Institution are placed in businesses in Switzerland for internships. The B360 Experts undertake their assignments at NUST on a voluntary basis, while the Institution’s students receive scholarships for their travel to Switzerland. These experts cover a wide range of fields from environmental health, biomedical sciences and nutrition to marketing and logistics and supply chain management. “We are very happy with the partnership and an increasing number of our experts visit NUST annually and the areas of engagement are constantly expanding,” B360 President, Sabina Balmer, said recently. She added that through knowledge and skills transfer, B360 and NUST collaborate towards equipping Namibians with the tools to thrive as members of society.