PHT3128 Christology and Soteriology (4 credits) at United Lutheran Theological Seminary Paulinum

PHT3128 Christology and Soteriology (4 credits) at United Lutheran Theological Seminary Paulinum

What is Christology and Soteriology?

The term soteriology denotes beliefs and doctrines concerning salvation in any specific religion, as well as the study of the subject. The idea of saving or delivering from some dire situation logically implies that humankind, as a whole or in part, is in such a situation.


In the academic field of religious studies, soteriology is understood by scholars as representing a key theme in a number of different religions and is often studied in a comparative context; that is, comparing various ideas about what salvation is and how it is obtained.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Christology and soteriology?

In Christianity, soteriology is inextricably linked with Christology, for both fields centralize the significance of Christ as savior. Christian soteriology, then, developed vis-à-vis the process of defining doctrinally who Jesus is and what his life, death, and resurrection mean for humankind.

What is soteriology Catholic?

Soteriology is the branch of doctrinal theology that deals with salvation through Christ. Eternal life, divine life, cannot be merited but is a free gift of God.

What is the concept of soteriology?

The term soteriology denotes beliefs and doctrines concerning salvation in any specific religion, as well as the study of the subject. The idea of saving or delivering from some dire situation logically implies that humankind, as a whole or in part, is in such a situation.

What is the origin of soteriology?

1847, in reference to health; 1864 in reference to salvation, from German soteriologie, from Greek soteria “preservation, salvation,” from soizein “save, preserve,” related to sōs “safe, healthy,” which is of uncertain origin (perhaps from PIE root *teue- “to swell,” on the notion of “to be strong”).

What is the salvation doctrine?

In Christianity, salvation (also called deliverance or redemption) is the “saving [of] human beings from sin and its consequences, which include death and separation from God” by Christ’s death and resurrection, and the justification following this salvation.

What is the nature of salvation?

Salvation means being saved from sin, and Christians believe that salvation is essential to have a relationship with God while on earth, and to have eternal life with God in heaven after death.

What is the theology of salvation?

The theology of salvation stands at the heart of the Christian faith. Very often the structure of Christian salvation is seen in terms of a single theme, such as atonement for sins, forgiveness, liberation or friendship with God.

What is the purpose of soteriology?

major reference. The term soteriology denotes beliefs and doctrines concerning salvation in any specific religion, as well as the study of the subject. The idea of saving or delivering from some dire situation logically implies that humankind, as a whole or in part, is in such a situation.

Is soteriology a branch of theology?

Soteriology is the branch of theology dealing with the study of salvation. The term comes from the Greek soterion, “salvation,” and is also related to soter, “savior.” Soteriology relates to several other branches of theology in that it asks who is saved, by whom, from what, and by what means.

What is soteriology in Buddhism?

Soteriology (/səˌtɪəriˈɒlədʒi/; Greek: σωτηρία sōtēria “salvation” from σωτήρ sōtēr “savior, preserver” and λόγος logos “study” or “word”) is the study of religious doctrines of salvation. Salvation theory occupies a place of special significance in many religions.

What does dispensationalism teach?

Dispensationalists teach that God has eternal covenants with Israel which cannot be violated and must be honored and fulfilled. Dispensationalists affirm the necessity for Jews to receive Jesus as Messiah, while also stressing that God has not forsaken those who are physically descended from Abraham through Jacob.

What is the doctrine of sin called?

Hamartiology, a branch of Christian theology which is the study of sin, describes sin as an act of offence against God by despising his persons and Christian biblical law, and by injuring others. Christian hamartiology is closely related to concepts of natural law, moral theology and Christian ethics.

What is the study of God called?

Theology is the study of God, God’s character, God’s actions in relation to the cosmos, and especially God’s relationship to humanity (the character and history of humankind) in its responsive relationship to God within the panorama of the world and history, space and time.

What is Pneumatology in the Bible?

Pneumatology refers to a particular discipline within Christian theology that focuses on the study of the Holy Spirit. The term is derived from the Greek word Pneuma (πνεῦμα), which designates “breath” or “spirit” and metaphorically describes a non-material being or influence.

What is homiletics in theology?

Homiletics comprises the study of the composition and delivery of religious discourses. It includes all forms of preaching: sermons, homilies and catechetical instruction. It may be further defined as the study of the analysis, classification, preparation, composition and delivery of sermons.