About the Southern Business School in Namibia

About the Southern Business School in Namibia

Southern Business School has an office in Windhoek, Namibia. This office is there for your convenience and to assists students who are in Namibia and who wish to pursue their studies at Southern Business School.

This makes it more convenient for the Namibian students as they can direct their queries directly to the Windhoek office without the inconvenience of long distance phone calls to South Africa.

Mr Albin Jacobs is the Director for Southern Business School of Namibia. Prospective and current Namibian students can contact the office in Windhoek for more information and assistance

The QUALITY of our programmes and student services is the product of internal quality assurance processes that are continuously monitored. Quality assurance is further enhanced through regular peer reviews that include

AFFORDABILITY is paramount to the development of a country such as ours to contribute to lifelong learning. We pride ourselves that we are (continuously) able to meet the demand for quality education at a reasonable price

RECOGNITION is reflected in Southern Business School’s status as a Private Higher Education Institution and endorsements from public and private Higher Education Institutions. We recognise previous learning experiences.

Our students are special to us and we honour them as the focus of all our actions. At Southern Business School we strive to offer our students a superb learning experience through exceptional CUSTOMER SERVICE
Contact Information
Plot 10, R28 Service Road