Fishing License Application In Namibia

Fishing License Application In Namibia

What is Fishing Licence?

A fishing license, fishing licence, or fishing permit is a regulatory or legal mechanism to control fishing. Licensing is one mechanism of fisheries management and may be required for either commercial or recreational fishing.

Fishing License Application In Namibia



(1) An application for a right, an exploratory right or a quota under the Act must be made to the Permanent Secretary

(a) in respect of a right, in the form set out in Annexure A;
(b) in respect of an exploratory right, in the form set out in Annexure B; and
(c) in respect of a quota, in the form set out in Annexure C.

(2) An application for a licence under section 40 of the Act must be made to the Permanent Secretary –
(a) in respect of the use of a fishing vessel for commercial purposes in Namibian waters, in the form set out in Annexure D; or
(b) in respect of the use of a Namibian flag vessel for harvesting marine resources outside Namibian waters, in the form set out in Annexure E.

(3) A request for the approval of the Minister for the transfer of a right, an exploratory right, a quota or licence under section 42 of the Act –
(a) must be made in writing to the Permanent Secretary by the holder of the right, exploratory right, quota or licence; and
(b) must be accompanied by an application by the person to whom the right, exploratory right, quota or licence is to be transferred in the forms set out in Annexures A to E, respectively.


A licence to use –

(a) a fishing vessel for commercial purposes in Namibian waters must be issued in the form set out in Annexure F; and

(b) a Namibian flag vessel for harvesting marine resources outside Namibian waters must be issued in the form set out in Annexure G, and against payment of the fee set out in Annexure H. Notification

A person who has provided information to the Ministry in terms of any requirement of the Act or these regulations, not being information to which the provisions of section 40(5) apply, must inform the Permanent Secretary of any change in respect of that information in writing within 14 days after the change takes place, if the information relates to other requirements of the Act.


Permit required for harvesting for recreational purposes

A person who in Namibian waters harvests for recreational purposes must –

(a) be in possession of a fishing permit; and

(b) carry out such harvesting subject to the conditions prescribed by these regulations.

Means of harvest for recreational purposes

A person may not for recreational purposes harvest marine resources by any means other than –

(a) a hook and line, whether operated by a rod and reel or otherwise, and using a scoop net to lift rock lobsters from the water once they have been reeled to the surface;

(b) a ring net; or

(c) diving.

Issue of permit

(1) A fishing permit referred to in regulation must be issued by the Minister or by any person or authority authorised thereto by the Minister, if that person or authority has agreed to do so.

(2) A fishing permit -(a) must be issued in the form set out in Annexure L; and (b) may be issued for a period of either one month or one year and may be obtained upon payment of a fee determined by the Minister.

(3) A person or authority authorised under sub regulation (I) to issue fishing permits must maintain records of the permits issued and the payments received for the issuing and must file reports thereon in the manner required by the Permanent Secretary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What fish do you catch in Namibia?

As a result Namibia is a shore angler’s paradise, even though we essentially have only four popular angling fish species, namely silver kob, West Coast steenbras, galjoen and blacktail, while the bronze whaler (bronzy), spotted gully (spotty), cow and smooth-hound are the four most popular sharks.

How do I get a fishing license in Namibia 2021?

Anglers must be in possession of a fishing permit, obtainable from the offices of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Lüderitz and/or the Henties Bay Hanganeni Fishing Centre. Permits cost N$14.00 per month, or N$168.00 a year.

How do you catch galjoen in Namibia?

Give the Galjoen sufficient time to bite firmly, let your rod tip down and be patient before striking. The Galjoen is a strong fighter. Take your time and reel it in gently or else you are likely to tear the hook out of it’s mouth. Use the swell to reel the fish in and do not lift it out of the water.

Why is it important to have a fishing license?

Fishing licenses are a way that anglers and boaters give back to their favorite natural places. … Their objective is to be sure that all anglers are compliant with creel limits, length requirements, seasonality, and other regional laws. (They are there to be stewards of waterways, not to inhibit you from fishing.)

What are the constraints to the fishing industry in Namibia?

The main challenges inhibiting the growth of Namibia’s fishery sector include a shortage of skilled labor, a lack of vessels, seismic impacts of oil exploration, and threats posed by proposed phosphate mining at sea.

Why is the coast of Namibia a rich fishing ground?

Namibia has one of the most productive fishing grounds in the world, due primarily to the presence of the Benguela current. Up-welling caused by the current brings nutrient rich waters up from the depths that stimulate the growth of microscopic marine organisms.

What measures are used in Namibia to ensure a sustainable use of fish resources?

The management of the commercial fisheries in Namibia consist of a combination of: exploitation rights; total allowable catches (TACs); individual quotas (IQs) issued to fishing concessionaires with a right to only catch that specific seafood species; quota fees; by-catch fees; and a comprehensive monitoring

What is meant by a total allowable catch?

The total allowable catch (TAC) is a catch limit set for a particular fishery, generally for a year or a fishing season. TACs are usually expressed in tonnes of live-weight equivalent, but are sometimes set in terms of numbers of fish

What name is given to the marine upwelling system at the coast of Namibia?

The Benguela upwelling system is a wind-driven upwelling system, bounded by warm-water systems in the north and the south. Strong equatorial wind stress induces Ekman offshore transport of surface water, which is replaced by cool, nutrient-rich subsurface wate

How do you cook galjoen?

Mix together the butter, cooking oil, a little bit of salt and brush over the skin. Sprinkle the rest of the coarse salt generously over the flesh of the fish and place in a well oiled grid. Braai the Galjoen about 300mm above moderate coals.

When can you catch galjoen?

This is definitely one of the most popular fish to angle for. The body of the fish is protected by thousands of strong scales, enabling it to be comfortable in the rough seas during winter. The best catches are made during June, July, August and September when the fish are in most abundant.

Where can I fish in Henties Bay?

Well-known angling spots with names like Bennie se rooi lorrie, Popeye, Sarah se gat, Canopy, Blare and many more, are not marked but maps with GPS coordinates are available at the Tourist Information Office.

What is a fishing effort?

The fishing effort is a measure of the amount of fishing. Frequently some surrogate is used relating to a given combination of inputs into the fishing activity, such as the number of hours or days spent fishing, numbers of hooks used (in long- line fishing), kilometres of nets used, etc.

How is fishing effort calculated?

With this information available, fishing effort is computed as follows: If the probability of a single canoe to be active on any day is BAC=0.8, then BAC × F = 0.8 × 500 = 400 boats are expected to be active on any day.

What is done with bycatch?

Bycatch can negatively affect species such as dolphins, sea turtles, protected fish, and whales by harming animals, contributing to population declines, and impeding population recovery. Other impacts of fisheries on marine mammals may include removal of their preferred prey and sometimes habitat damage.

What is the economic value of the fishing industry to Namibia?

This study focuses on the fishery sector because of its potential to create sustainable jobs and because of the government policy to promote the sector for value addition and employment creation. The fishery sector contributes an average of 3.5 percent to Namibia’s real GDP.

How do you catch a kabeljou fish?

The kabeljou takes a variety of soft baits. Live shad, mullet, karranteen and mackerel is excellent if you can get them, and whole dead baits of the aforementioned species also work well, as do fillets and mixed grills.