Milk Goats For Sale in Namibia

Milk Goats For Sale in Namibia

What is Milk Goat?

Goat milk is the milk of domestic goats. Goats produce about 2% of the world’s total annual milk supply. Some goats are bred specifically for milk.

Milk Goats For Sale in Namibia

Buy Namibia Live Goats Directly From Exporters & Suppliers – Best of 2023 Market Prices. Summary. Varieties, Boer goat, Kalahari red goat, Savannah white goat.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a goat cost in Namibia?

Namibia Live Goats 2023 Retail Prices

The retail price range in Rand for live goats is between NAD 213.72 and NAD 699.44 per kilogram or between NAD 96.92 and NAD 317.2 per live weight pound(lb) in Windhoek and Walvis Bay.

Is goat farming profitable in Namibia?

A small scale goat farmer in Namibia can make more than N$ 25 000 per month from selling their goats. This depends on how valuable the goats are. Goat farmers create a lot of employment for the locals and this is due to goats being of high value and being very profitable bringing in huge profits and income.

What kind of goats are in Namibia?

Of approximately 2.5 million goats in Namibia (Figure 24), about 40% are Boer goats and 60% belong to indigenous breeds. In addition, there are a handful of Angora and Dairy goats in Namibia.

What is the most common breed of goat found in Namibia?

The Dorper is the most numerous of the small stock breeds, followed by the Damara, the Boer goat and the different ecotypes of indigenous goats. Commercial livestock farming can be classified as Medium-input Production Systems.

What is the best goat to make money?

The most popular goat breed for meat is the Boer goat. It’s a large and lean goat breed that weighs 200 to 300 pounds. If you want to get a higher goat farming profit, you can choose the Black Bengal goat. It is considered the highest quality of goat meat with the best taste.

How do you farm goats in Namibia?

Starting Goat Farming

  1. Step 1 – Choosing the Perfect Land for Your Goat Farm in Namibia.
  2. Step 2 – Stocking Feeds and Water.
  3. Step 3 – Stocking Your Goats.
  4. Step 4 – Best Health and Disease Prevention Practices.
  5. Step 5 – Sustaining Success: Maintenance and Best Practices for Running Your Goat Farm.

How many goats are in Namibia?

1.9 million goats

Livestock data and reports from the Directorate of Veterinary Services, Meat Board of Namibia and Namibia Statistics Agency were analysed to establish the current status in goat production and marketing. Namibia has 1.9 million goats of which 54% of the total number is found in the northern communal areas.

Which goat breed grows fastest?

Boer Goat Farming

Due to their fast-growing and high fertility rate, they are in progressive demand across the globe. Boer goat rearing can be the reason for successful goat farming as their weight grows up to 45 Kg. It is ideal for breeding and meat rather than milking.

How many times does a Boer goat give birth in a year?

Boer goats are an extremely fast-growing breed, which is one reason why they make such excellent meat goats. Additionally, unlike some other goat breeds, they can breed year-round. On average, most of them reach sexual maturity at around 5 months old. Most breeders have ewes produce three crops of kids every 2 years.

Which goat produces the most milk in the world?

The Saanen

The Saanen is the most productive milk goat of Switzerland, which has the most productive milking goats in the world. Average milk yield is 838 kg in a lactation of 264 days. The milk should have a minimum of 3.2% fat and 2.7% protein. It is not well suited to extensive management, and is usually raised intensively.