Dankie Botswana For Sale in Namibia

Dankie Botswana For Sale in Namibia

What does Dankie Botswana car mean in Namibia ?

And although the five year limit was in place for a long time, a number of Namibians have been importing second hand cars older than five years from Botswana after exploiting loopholes in Southern African Customs Union (SACU) import regulations. This resulted in the cars being nicknamed “Dankie Botswana.”

Dankie Botswana For Sale in Namibia


Dankie Botswana – Namibia ; Address, : Town, 0000 Windhoek, Namibia ; Coordinate, : -22.57, 17.0836 ; Phone, : 264817641310 ; Email, : ; Rating, : 5.00.

Frequently Aske Questions

How to change a car from Botswana to South Africa?

What you should do

  1. a copy of your South African permanent residence certificate.
  2. a copy of your foreign passport (page with photo and details)
  3. a copy of your foreign motor vehicle registration certificate.
  4. proof of study or research to be concluded where applicable.

Can I drive a Botswana registered car in South Africa?

It is legal to drive in South Africa without import permission on South African roads for owners of cars that have been imported and registered in any sacu member country. Several nations, including Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and South Africa, are members of the southern African customs union.

Is Botswana license international?

You local valid driver’s license is valid within Botswana only. However, crossing over another nation’s border will require an International Driving License. If you want to drive vehicles and cross the borders freely you will need international driving license.

How to change ownership of a car from Botswana to South Africa?

Step 1: Complete the ‘Application for importation of a second hand or used vehicle form (IE462)’. Step 2: If a South African national, submit your ID or passport; employment letter confirming abroad employment and period; and a certified copy of the foreign car registration certificate.

Is a Botswana license valid in South Africa?

Answer. In terms of regulation 110, you must convert your foreign licence to a SA licence within 1 year of obtaining or resuming permanent residence.

What is vehicle registration plates of Botswana?

Vehicle registration plates of Botswana for normal motor vehicles begin with the letter B, followed by three digits, followed by three letters.

How long can a foreign car stay in South Africa?

Temporary importation is in principle limited to one year. Subject to approval from South African Customs, vehicles may under special circumstances be allowed to remain in RSA for a further year under a replacement CPD.

How much tax do I pay to import a car?

A 20% import turnover tax will be assessed based on the value of the motor vehicle free to destination (purchase price + delivery costs + customs duty amount). The standard consumption tax ( NoVA ), which must be paid if the motor vehicle is licensed with the local tax office at the owner’s place of residence.

How much does it cost to register a foreign car in South Africa?

This fee can vary dependent on both vehicle type and age. For passenger vehicles and motorcycles manufactured and registered outside of South Africa the application fee will be between ZAR300 – ZAR1800. Further instructions on how to pay this fee can be found on the LA01 form linked above.

Can I import a car from Botswana to South Africa?

You can only import a second-hand vehicle into South Africa if you have been granted a permit to do so. The importation of used vehicles is restricted to protect the local motor vehicle manufacturing industry. Permits are only issued under specifically defined circumstances.

How much is to change car registration from Botswana to South Africa?

How much does it cost to register a foreign car in South Africa? For passenger vehicles and motorcycles manufactured and registered outside of South Africa the application fee will be between ZAR300 – ZAR1800.

Can you buy a car in South Africa without a drivers Licence?

The short answer is ‘yes’, you can indeed buy a car without a valid driver’s license, as there is no law in SA that keeps you from doing so.