EPL License Application In Namibia
What is Exclusive Prospecting License?
Exclusive prospecting Licence is usually granted to a holder or an agent who is the holder of a. prospecting right on its behalf, who has beaconed the area to be covered by the licence.4 It is granted in. respect of an area of 20 square kilometers or less and for a period of two years or less.
What is an EPL in mining?
Exclusive Prospecting Licences (EPL): This 3-year licence allows systematic prospecting in areas of up to 1,000 km. It gives exclusive exploration rights to the land and may be extended twice for two-year periods if demonstrable progress is shown.
Overview of EPL Namibia
An EPL is meant for detailed investigations such as geological mapping, ground geophysics, geochemical sampling, trenching, drilling, bulk sampling, trial mining, etc. It is the most common type of mineral license issued by the Ministry of Mines and Energy. In fact, more than 70% of the work load which the Mining Commissioner’s office undertakes due to licensing related activities emanate from EPLs and EPL applications.
EPL License Application In Namibia
EPL and Mining License Applications
a. Eligibility: i) in case of a company, it should be duly registered in Namibia for the purpose of mineral exploration and mining, ii) if it is an individual, he or she must be a Namibian citizen.
b. Sound description of the exploration target (EPLs);
c. Sound exploration model (EPLs);
d. Sound exploration or mining program and budget;
e. Capability to finance the exploration or mining project
f. In case of overlap, compliance with sec 69 (EPLs);
g. In case of communal area/land, notification to the Traditional Authority;
h. Environmental clearance certificate from Ministry of Environment and Tourism;
i. In case of a renewal application for an EPL, an exploration report detailing results of the preceding tenure.
j. Sound report detailing resources and reserves (SAMREC, JORC, etc. compliant);
k. Sound track record in exploration/ mining;
l. Sound mine design and processing plant design (MLs);
m. Availability of mining experts to carry out the envisaged exploration/ mining program (in case of an ML application, if applicant has no in-house capacity,
a reputable mining contractor is required);
n. Pre-feasibility study (MLs)
When should an applicant expect feedback on their application?
Non-EPL | One (1) day after an application is received |
Mining Claim | Seven (7) working days after an Environmental Clearance is received; |
Reconnaissance License | 3-4 months |
Exclusive Prospecting License | 3-4 months |
Mineral Deposit Retention License | 3-4 months |
Mining License | 6-12 months |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is the difference between mining and prospecting?
Prospecting is the first stage of the geological analysis (followed by exploration) of a territory. It is the search for minerals, fossils, precious metals, or mineral specimens. It is also known as fossicking. In other areas publicly held lands are open to prospecting without staking a mining claim.
Are mineral rights considered an asset?
An identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance. Such an asset must be identifiable, allow the owner to have control over a resource, and provide future economic benefits. Examples: mineral rights, databases, franchises, concessions, licenses, patents, trade-marks, and copyrights.
How do you calculate mineral rights in Namibia?
As a mineral rights value rule of thumb, the 3X cash flow method is often used. To calculate mineral rights value, multiply the 12-month trailing cash flow by 3. For a property with royalty rights, a 5X multiple provides a more accurate valuation (stout.com)
How long do mining claims last for in Namibia?
The maximum period is 90 days from the staking of a claim or site on the ground. However, some states require earlier filings, such as 30 or 60 days from the date of location. Location notices must contain the following basic information (43 CFR 3832, Subpart A, and 43 CFR 3833, Subpart A):
Can you build a home on a patented mining claim in Namibia?
Can I construct buildings or other improvements on my unpatented mining claim? You may not construct, place, or maintain any kind of building or other structure, road, trail, fence or enclosure, and place or store equipment without the prior approval of a plan of operation from the Forest Service.
Can you still patent a mining claim in Namibia?
A patented mining claim is one for which the Federal Government has passed its title to the claimant, giving him or her exclusive title to the locatable minerals and, in most cases, the surface and all resources. Until the moratorium is lifted or otherwise expires, the BLM will not accept any new patent applications.
Is a mining tenement real property?
Mining tenements are statutory creations. o They derive all their rights and interests from the statutory provisions that support them. o In most states, statutory mining tenements will confer upon the holder all ancillary rights necessary to support the activity for which the title is issued.
Do you need a license to pan gold in Namibia?
No permit is required for low-impact gold panning, however respect the rights of existing mining claims. There are many areas within the BLM Redding Resource Area that are popular for panning including areas along Butte Creek, Clear Creek and the Trinity River.
How much does it cost to buy mining rights in Namibia?
Mineral rights have sold for as high as $40,000 per acre, and usually, the average price can be between $250 and $9,000. If mineral rights buyers and sellers conduct proper due diligence, both parties can negotiate the best mining rights deal and avoid future legal quagmire
What is reconnaissance permit and prospecting license?
A reconnaissance permit is granted for preliminary prospecting through regional, aerial, geophysical or geochemical surveys and geological mapping. A prospecting licence is granted for exploring, locating and proving mineral deposits. A mining licence is required finally to extract minerals.
What is a mining licence?
The purpose of a mining licence is to undertake mining and activities leading to or ancillary to mining.
Should I buy a home without mineral rights?
In short, if you are buying land without mineral rights, the best way to do it is to research and do due diligence BEFORE buying the property. However, property without mineral rights isn’t worthless, and if someone wants to extract minerals from your land, you’re likely entitled to compensation
Do you have to pay taxes on gold you find in Namibia?
If you owned the gold for more than one year, it is a long-term capital gain and subject to the 28 percent collectibles capital gains tax rate. If you owned the gold for one year or less, you have a short-term gain. Short-term gains are taxed at the ordinary income tax rates that apply to other income such as wages.
How do mining tenements work?
Mining tenements are granted in order to maintain certain standards against which native title and environmental factors are measured. This ensures that the effects of your exploration on the environment will be ecologically sound and that there are no conflicts with traditional owners of the land involved.
How much does it cost to patent a mining claim?
The purpose of the General Mining Law of 1872 was to encourage mineral development on federal land. Thus, under the General Mining Law of 1872, miners can obtain a patent to their claim at a nominal cost ($5 an acre); however, since 1994 there has been a moratorium on applications for patents to mining claims.
Are mining claims private property in Namibia?
A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has a right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit. It is not private property and does not carry the same rights as private property. Mining claims may be located on public lands open to mining under the 1872 Mining Law.