Fisheries And Aquaculture License Application In Namibia

Fisheries And Aquaculture License Application In Namibia

What is Fisheries And Aquaculture License Application?

A license is required for fish processing and/or aquaculture sites in our province. Processing applications for new licenses, license transfers and changes in ownership must be forwarded to an independent Fish Processing Licensing Board. The Board in reviewing these applications makes a recommendation to the Minister who will make the final decision. Parties interested in applying for an aquaculture licence must submit their application to the department. Information contained in the application must demonstrate expertise in the industry, financing capability, and a business plan.

Fisheries And Aquaculture License Application In Namibia

  • The name of the licensee.
  • The name of any group, business, partnership or company associated with the licensee.
  • The type of aquaculture licensed at the licensee’s aquaculture facility.
  • The aquatic organisms licensed at the aquaculture facility.
  • The location, size and description of the aquaculture facility.
  • The maximum annual production authorized at the aquaculture facility.
  • The source of water supply at the aquaculture facility.
  • The annual quantity and composition of any effluent to be discharged from the aquaculture facility.
  • The duration of the licence.
  • Any variation to the terms and conditions attached to the licence.
  • Any occurrence of disease outbreak.


  • Name of the applicant:
  • Name of group, business, partnership or company associated with the application.
    In the case of a group, business or partnership, attach a statement of the membership
    of such group, partnership or business. In the case of a company, attach a statement
    of the shareholding of the company, the register of directors and the beneficial
    ownership of shares in such company.
  • Business address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address:
    Type of application: Check relevant box New application Renewal
    Aquaculture licence
    This application form is used for licence and renewals.
  • Type of aquaculture – check relevant box:
  • Aquatic species to be cultivated:
    Shore based
    Non-shore based
    See ranching
  • Location, size and description of the site at which it is proposed to undertake
    aquacul tore:
  • Sources of the stock of aquatic organisms for cultivation:
  • Maximum annual production intended, in quantity or weight per year:
  • Brief description of the type and size of aquaculture facilities to be used:
  • Source of water supply, indicating whether it is fresh or salty water, and if
    appropriate, the flow rate:
  • Brief statement as to whether effluent is to be discharged inN amibian waters and,
    if so, the annual quantity and composition of such discharge:
  • Other information, including such other information as the applicant considers
    relevant to this application (use attachments if necessary):
    Declaration by Applicant
    I declare that the above and any accompanying information is true, complete and correct.
    I understand I am required to report immediately to the Minister any changes to the
    information given on this form and further understand that failure to do so may render
    me liable to prosecution.
    Applicant Date
    This application is to be forwarded to the Minister at the address shown below:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four types of aquaculture?

Particular kinds of aquaculture include fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, mariculture, algaculture (such as seaweed farming), and the cultivation of ornamental fish.

Does aquaculture come under agriculture?

Aquaculture is the controlled process of cultivating aquatic organisms, especially for human consumption. It’s a similar concept to agriculture, but with fish instead of plants or livestock. Aquaculture is also referred to as fish farming.

How do I start a fisheries farm?

  • Step 1: Select an Apposite Land Area. The first step in this process is selecting a good land area.
  • Step 2: Pond Design and Construction.
  • Step 3: Selecting the Fish Species.
  • Step 4:Feeding the Fish.
  • Step5: Fish Harvesting.
  • Step6: Marketing the Fish.

How much land is required for fish farming?

For extensive / modified extensive, minimum land required is about 50 acres or more. For a local working agriculturist, even a 5-acre farm is feasible. For anyone wishing to start fish farming from scratch, 50 acres or more is economically feasible.

What is aquaculture in fishery?

Aquaculture and fisheries refer to breeding and harvesting water plants and animals for commercial purposes. The field of aquaculture assists in the demand for seafood and also enables existing fisheries remain sustainable and consistent.

What materials do you need for aquaculture?

  • Pumps. Traditional aquaculture places fish in tanks or net enclosures inside a body of water.
  • Aeration Devices.
  • Seine Reels.
  • Handling and Grading Equipment.

What are the 3 main types of aquaculture?

A number of aquaculture practices are used world-wide in three types of environment (freshwater, brackishwater, and marine) for a great variety of culture organisms.

What is the difference between aquaculture and fisheries?

Fisheries are concerned with fish or shellfish. They mainly deal with catching, processing, and selling fish. On the other hand, aquaculture is related to the cultivation of both aquatic animals and aquatic plants. Aquaculture is a science that involves all aspects of marine life.

Which fish is best for farming?

Java, blue and nile tilapia are the best species for backyard fish farming. Catfish. Exceptional taste and hardy resistance to disease and parasites make catfish another good choice for beginning fish farmers. Catfish grow quickly — a large fingerling can reach 1 pound within five months.

Why is aquaculture bad?

But large-scale aquaculture can have significant environmental consequences. It can take a lot of wild fish to feed certain farmed fish. And when tons of fish are crowded together, they create a lot of waste, which can pollute the ocean. Fish farms can also be breeding grounds for disease.

How long does fish farming take?

To achieve these results, there are many different parts of the process that we have to control. The sole aim of Calverton is to produce high-quality, fit-for-purpose fish that can cope with life in the wild. It takes approximately 18 months to rear our fish to a size where we can stock them out into rivers and lakes.

What jobs can you get with an aquaculture degree?

  • Biological Technician. Biological technicians work in a laboratory setting and conduct experiments as part of a research team.
  • Aquaculture Manager. Aquaculture managers oversee work environments, such as fish hatcheries.
  • Wildlife Biologist.

What are three purposes of aquaculture?

Aquaculture is a method used to produce food and other commercial products, restore habitat and replenish wild stocks, and rebuild populations of threatened and endangered species. There are two main types of aquaculture—marine and freshwater.

What are aquaculture products?

Aquaculture products are crops and livestock, or a product wholly or partly derived therefrom, cultivated in a controlled or managed aquatic environment. The products of fishing of wild animals are not considered part of this definition.

Where does aquaculture take place?

The breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals takes place in all types of water environments including ponds, rivers, lakes, the ocean and man-made “closed” systems on land.

What are aquaculture products?

Aquaculture products are crops and livestock, or a product wholly or partly derived therefrom, cultivated in a controlled or managed aquatic environment. The products of fishing of wild animals are not considered part of this definition.

How is agriculture similar to aquaculture?

Defined broadly, agriculture includes farming both animals (animal husbandry) and plants (agronomy, horticulture and forestry in part). Similarly, aquaculture covers the farming of both animals (including crustaceans, finfish and molluscs) and plants (including seaweeds and freshwater macrophytes).

What is cage culture in aquaculture?

Cage culture is an aquaculture production system where fish are held in floating net pens. Cages are used to culture several types of shell fish and finfish species in fresh, brackish and marine waters. Cages in freshwaters are used for food fish culture and for fry to fingerling rearing.

Is aquaculture a good investment?

For investors seeking to diversify their portfolios, aquaculture is a sustainable, profitable solution. Farming aquatic organisms is safe for the environment and provides high-quality protein for individuals on every continent.