Import Permit Application In Namibia
What is import permit application?
An import license is a document issued by a national government authorizing the importation of certain goods into its territory. Governments may put certain restrictions on what is imported as well as the amount of imported goods and services.
Import Permit Application In Namibia
Namibia – Import Requirements and Documentation
Includes import documentation and other requirements for both the U.S. exporter and foreign importer.
The Directorate of International Trade of the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development (MITSMED) is responsible for coordinating the country’s trade policies and overseeing Namibia’s participation in international trade bodies. The Directorate is responsible for managing import/export procedures. Namibia is a party to the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing.
All imports are subject to licensing, but most licenses are automatically granted. A limited number of products are subject to non-automatic licenses, including: medicines; chemicals; frozen and chilled fish and meat; live animals and genetic materials; controlled petroleum products; firearms and explosives; diamonds, gold and other minerals; and seemingly all second-hand goods such as clothing and motor vehicles. In practice, however, MITSMED does not issue licenses for imported used clothing.
Most agricultural imports require a permit issued by MITSMED. The Namibian Agronomic Board issues permits for the import, export, and transit of controlled agronomic crops such as wheat and wheat products as well as corn and corn products. Imports of agronomic crops and derivatives, as well as all plants and plant products, also require the issuance of phytosanitary certificates by the MWAF. The Namibian Meat Board regulates the import and export of live animals (cattle, sheep, goats and pigs) and derivative meat products. Importers of live animals and meat products must demonstrate compliance with the country’s animal health standards by obtaining a veterinary import permit from the Directorate of Veterinary Services.
For inquiries regarding import and export requirements, you may contact:
Mr. Petrus Haufiku
Trade Policy Analyst
Ministry of Industrialization, Trade & SME Development
Tel. +264-61-283 7322
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the types of import license?
The two types of actual user license are: General Licenses : This license can be used for the imports of goods from all countries, except those countries from which imports are prohibited; Specific Licenses: This license can only be used for imports from a specific country.
Why import license is required?
Import licenses are considered to be non-tariff barriers to trade when used as a way to discriminate against another country’s goods in order to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition. Each license specifies the volume of imports allowed, and the total volume allowed should not exceed the quota.
What is an open general import license?
This instrument provides for the importation of COVID essential goods without an import license. The schedule below shows that goods that are on Open General Import License and do not have restrictions on importation.
How does an import License work?
An import license is a permit to import an indicated quantity of certain goods over a specified period of time (typically one year). Such licenses limit outflow of foreign currency, foresee entry of unsafe items and substances, and guard domestic economy from foreign competition.
What is automatic import licensing?
Automatic Import Licensing Import licensing procedures where the approval of the application is granted in all cases. The objective generally to collecting statistical and other factual information on imports.
How is import duty calculated?
How to calculate import duties. Once you have found the rate, you can calculate the duty on your shipment. To do this add up the value of the goods, freight costs, insurance and any additional costs, then multiply the total by the duty rate. The result is the amount of duty you’ll need to pay customs for your shipment.
How do I start an import business?
- Get your business basics in order.
- Pick a product to import or export.
- Source your suppliers.
- Price your product.
- Find your customers.
- Get the logistics down.
How much does it cost to start an import export business?
One of the catch-22s of being in business for yourself is that you need money to make money–in other words, you need startup funds. These costs range from less than $5,000 to more than $25,000 for the import/export business. You can start out homebased, which means you won’t need to worry about leasing office space.
What is import licensing requirement?
Import licensing, as defined in the WTO ILA, refers to administrative procedures1 used for the operation of import licensing regimes requiring the submission of an application or other documentation (other than those required for customs purposes) to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation .
What is import substitution?
Import substitution is the idea that blocking imports of manufactured goods can help an economy by increasing the demand for domestically produced goods. The logic is simple: Why import foreign-made cars or clothing or chemicals when one could produce those goods at home and employ workers in doing so?
Which document is not required for import transaction?
An import transaction involves various documents, such as a bill of lading, certificate of origin, and shipment advice. However, a shipping bill is not required for an import transaction—it is a document required in connection with an export transaction.
Do you pay customs on shipping?
If you are shipping a package internationally, it could be subject to customs charges. The relevant customs teams in the destination country will set these charges based on the value of the goods you are sending. You should attach customs documents to the outside of your box in a clear plastic wallet or envelope.