International University of Management PhD in Tourism and Hospitality

International University of Management PhD in Tourism and Hospitality

What is PhD in Tourism and Hospitality?

 A PhD in Tourism and Hospitality prepares program participants for careers in research and teaching related to business management of the hospitality and tourism industries. Coursework may include research design, statistics, psychology, sociology, and marketing.

Entry Requirement

A Master’s Degree registered at NQF Level 9 in a relevant discipline.

Any qualification at NQF Level 8 in a related discipline plus either at least five years of work experience at a senior management or professional level plus the publication of a peer-reviewed paper(s) or other publication(s).

It is also a requirement that people entering into the supervised learning leading to the award of this qualification have been recognized as having attained or shall undertake non-credit bearing courses at NQF Level 8 or above relating to:

  • postgraduate report writing and academic writing in a variety of genre or styles
  • the proficient use of advanced qualitative research methods
  • the proficient use of advanced quantitative research methods and applications
  • the proficient use of information and communication technologies relevant to the analysis and presentation of data
  • understandings of ethical practices in research
  • awareness of current research practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does tourism and hospitality do?

Although the two disciplines and industries overlap, the main difference is that tourism deals with attractions, activities, and events, while Hospitality focuses on providing people great accommodation, travel, as well as other facilities like restaurants or sports centres

Is tourism and hospitality a good career?

The job is highly enterprising and comes with excellent monetary perks. Tourism careers are vast and varied and among the many diverse roles is that of a certified tour guide. If you love to explore and have a way with words, this can be a great job opportunity.

Is hospitality and tourism a course?

This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of management related to the tourism and hospitality industry. Topics include financial management and accounting, human resource issues, hotel and resort management, food and beverage management, and event management.

Does tourism have math?

Do not enroll in Tourism just because you think there is no Math subjects or Sciences here. You will be mostly dealing with people of different nationalities and personalities so a good physique plus well-stocked head is necessary.

What is the difference between hospitality and tourism?

The difference between the tourism and hospitality industries is that former is a smaller industry that specifically focuses on traveling activities, whereas the latter is a larger industry that encompasses all businesses in which strong and meaningful customer relationships are required.

Is tourism a flight attendant?

Good news: There is no specific educational requirement to become a flight attendant! However, graduates from people-oriented disciplines* such as travel and tourism, communications, psychology, nursing, and education could have an advantage.

What are the benefits of studying tourism?

Tourism and travel courses will deepen your understanding about tourism as an activity, how the tourism industry is organised and developed, and how tourism influences society locally, nationally and globally. The travel and tourism industry cover several types of careers from service to executive positions.

What is Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management?

Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management (BHTM) is an undergraduate Hospitality course. Hospitality and Tourism involve planning, managing and providing lodging, food, recreation, conventions, travel services and tourism and related planning and support services.

What do tourism students do?

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism (BS Tourism) is a 4-year multidisciplinary degree that trains students in becoming leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and qualified personnel in the tourism industry. It focuses on cultural aspects such as travel, language, and history.

Is travel and tourism a good career?

 Yes, a career in travel and tourism is not only adventurous but also lucrative. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world with an increasing turnover and career opportunities that the world becomes more interconnected.

What course is under flight attendant?

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) with Flight Attendant Course. The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) with Flight Attendant Course is a four-year degree program recommended for those who have a career in field of tourism and event management.

Is tourism course easy?

About my college education: Tourism is one of the easiest courses nowadays. It both developed my knowledge and my personality. You will learn the history of different places around the world.