List of Village Councils in Namibia

List of Village Councils in Namibia

What Is Village Council?

A Village council is a type of local government used in Namibia National Authority for Namibian localities that usually number between 800 and 3,000+ inhabitants. The village council is also known D-level municipalities. .

These Are Some Of The List of Village Council in Namibia












Frequently Ask Questions

Is dual citizenship allowed in Namibia?

The Namibian Citizenship Act has a general provision prohibiting dual citizenship. However, Article 4 of the Namibian Constitution states that “no person who is a citizen of Namibia by birth or descent may be deprived of Namibian citizenship by such legislation”.

What did the village council decide in Namibia?

Village Councils looked after the affairs of the village, had police and judicial powers and were the lines of contact with higher authorities on matters affecting the villages. Custom and religion elevated them to a sacred position of authority.

What is the function of village council in Namibia?

To formulate Village Development Schemes to supervise proper maintenance of water supply, roads, forest, education and other welfare activities.

How many years is the tenure of the village council in Namibia?

The Panchayat is chaired by the president of the village, known as a Sarpanch. The term of the elected representatives is five years. The Secretary of the Panchayat is a non-elected representative, appointed by the state government, to oversee Panchayat activities.

How many members are there in village executive in Namibia?

The Village Executive consists of the deputy chairperson, ward chairpersons elected from each ward in the rural municipality, and four women members elected from among members of the Village Assembly and two members from the Dalit or other minority communities.

What is a village executive in Namibia?

Village Executive consists of Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Ward chairpersons and 6 members who include at least 4 women from the village assembly and 2 from Dalit or minority communities.

What are the function of village executive in Namibia?

The responsibility for issuing general directives, controlling and regulating the administration of Village Municipality and Municipality shall, subject to this Constitution and other laws, lie in the Village executive and Town executive.

What is the main work of a rural municipality executive in Namibia?

Likewise, executive officer of rural municipality and municipality shall perform their duties subject to the supervision and directives of the chief of the local level. He/she shall act as a chief administrative officer of the local level besides formulating and implementing annual budget and programme.

Who are the members of the village assembly in Namibia?

As per local government Act no 7 (District authority) of 1982 the members of village assembly are those ordinary people or residents from 18 years old of a particular village, village assembly meeting according to the law have to be done four times a year.

What is the head of a council called in Namibia?

Mayor. The mayor is the figurehead of the council and is elected by their fellow councillors for a one or two-year term.

Is the mayor the leader of the council in Namibia?

Mayors. Many councils have a civic mayor or chairman of the council. They carry out ceremonial duties and chair meetings, but can’t make decisions about council business. Some councils have an elected mayor.

What is known as the Assembly of the common village in Namibia?

The sabhawas a village assembly exclusively of brahmins. The members belonged to those villages where all the land was owned only by the people of the Brahmin caste. The nagaramwas an assembly of merchants and belonged to the localities where traders and merchants controlled the stakes.