PHT3230 Eclessiology (4 credits) at United Lutheran Theological Seminary Paulinum

PHT3230 Eclessiology (4 credits) at United Lutheran Theological Seminary Paulinum

What is Eclessiology?

In Christian theology, ecclesiology is the study of the Church, the origins of Christianity, its relationship to Jesus, its role in salvation, its polity, its discipline, its eschatology, and its leadership.


The sources of ecclesiological reflection are the Bible (interpreted in the light of scholarly research), Church history and the wealth of the Christian theological tradition, together with the information and insights that emerge from other relevant academic disciplines.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is evangelical ecclesiology?

Evangelical ecclesiology describes the relation between the gospel and the church, and in particular the way in which the grace of the triune God constitutes the church as the communion of saints.

What is evangelical ecclesiology?

Evangelical ecclesiology describes the relation between the gospel and the church, and in particular the way in which the grace of the triune God constitutes the church as the communion of saints.

What are the models of ecclesiology?

First published in 1974, Dulles’s book describes five models: The Church as Institution, The Church as Mystical Communion, The Church as Sacrament, The Church as Herald, and The Church as Servant.

What is Mariology and ecclesiology?

Mariology is a mainly Catholic ecclesiological study within theology, which centers on the relation of Mary, the Mother of God, and the Church. Theologically, it not only deals with her life but with her veneration in life and prayer, in art, music, and architecture, from ancient Christianity to modern times.

What is reformed ecclesiology?

The term Protestant ecclesiology refers to the spectrum of teachings held by the Protestant Reformers concerning the nature and mystery of the invisible church that is known in Protestantism as the Christian Church.

When did ecclesiology begin?

Although systematic theology began in the twelfth century, the first appearance of a systematic ecclesiology occurred only in the six- teenth century.

What is high ecclesiology?

The term high church refers to beliefs and practices of Christian ecclesiology, liturgy, and theology that emphasize formality and resistance to modernisation.

What are the states of the church specifically within Catholic ecclesiology?

In what follows I will present Catholic ecclesiology by tracing continuity and change through five major conceptualizations of the church: church as perfect society, church as body of Christ, church as sacrament, church as people of God, and church as communion.

What is church theology?

DEFINITION. One can, therefore, define the Church as : the community of faith in which God’s relationship with man in Christ attains its full visibility. This definition goes back to the very traditional concept of the. Church as the congregation of all the faithful, the christifideles, the people of God.

What is homiletics in theology?

Homiletics comprises the study of the composition and delivery of religious discourses. It includes all forms of preaching: sermons, homilies and catechetical instruction. It may be further defined as the study of the analysis, classification, preparation, composition and delivery of sermons.

What is the difference between low church and high church?

The term is most often used in a liturgical context. “Low church”, in a contemporary Anglican context, denotes a Protestant emphasis, and “high church” denotes an emphasis on ritual, often as Anglo-Catholicism. The term was initially intended to be pejorative.

Who governs the church?

The minister of the church (sometimes referred to as a teaching elder) is a member of and presides over the session; lay representatives (ruling elders or, informally, just elders) are elected by the congregation.

What is the doctrine of the church called?

Definitions of church doctrine. the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group. synonyms: creed, gospel, religious doctrine.

Why do we need study theology?

Ideas, texts, beliefs and actions: these are at the heart of theology and religious studies. Studying them gives you insight into humanity’s history and its present, and develops key skills such as critical thinking and analytical writing.

How old was Mary when Jesus was born?

However, now we believe that Mary and Joseph were both in their teens when Jesus was born, around sixteen and eighteen respectively. This was the norm for Jewish newlyweds at that time.