University Of Namibia Bachelor of Science (Population Studies) (Honours)
What is Bachelor of Science (Population Studies) (Honours)?
Population studies is broadly defined as the scientific study of human populations. Major areas studied include broad population dynamics; fertility and family dynamics; health, aging, and mortality; and human capital and labor markets
To register for a Bachelor of Science in Statistics or Population Studies (Honours) degree programme a candidate must hold a valid Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) (ordinary or higher) or a recognised equivalent qualification.
English is a compulsory subject and should normally have been obtained as a Second Language at NSSC (O level) with a minimum C symbol or English as a First Language at NSSC (O level) with a minimum D symbol. In addition to the above, admission to the Bachelor of Science in Statisitics or Population Studies (Honours) programme requires at least a symbol C on NSSC or equivalent qualification in Mathematics.
A candidate should obtain a minimum of 25 points on the UNAM Evaluation Point Scale in his/her five (5) best subjects (of which Mathematics and English must be included) to be admitted to this degree programme (Refer to the General Admission Criteria for Undergraduate Programmes in the General Information and Regulations Yearbook). Obtaining the minimum number of points, however, does not necessarily ensure admission as it is based on places available in the programme and is awarded on the basis of merit. Nevertheless, exemption rules for students who have completed a Diploma in Applied Statistics should apply.
Admission can also be considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Entry Scheme upon successful completion of the relevant examinations as set out in the General Information and Regulations Prospectus. A special application form is available for this purpose. Such candidates may also be required to pass a Faculty entry test before admission is granted (See the Faculty of Science Admission Requirements).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why population studies is important as a course of study?
Population analysis is a significant area of economic study, especially as economic development issues and development planning have taken the lead in most developing countries. … Population growth, scale, and delivery cannot be rationally debated except in the sense of economic growth, social transition.
What are the three components of the study of population?
The main components of population change are births, deaths, and migration.
How do you become a demographer?
To become a demographer, you must have a bachelor’s degree in a social science field. An advanced degree in demography or another related field is suggested. You need to be comfortable with mathematics and statistics. Demographers are comfortable with mathematics and statistics.
What can l do with a degree in demography?
Demography graduates get jobs in Research, Statistical Institutions, Insurance firms, Planning Units in Local government, Health, Teaching, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), and international organizations such as USAID, UNDP, JICA, UNFPA among others.
What are the aspects of population studies?
Demography can be defined as the study of population, typically focused on five aspects: (1) size, (2) geographic distribution, (3) composition, (4) the components of change (births, deaths, migration), and (5) the determinants and consequences of population change (Swanson and Stephan, 2004, p.
What is the difference between demography and population studies?
Population study is concerned with human beings. Demography is the statistical study of the living populations and sub-populations. … That is, in demography we study the size of the population , composition and distribution and their changes in the society.
Is demography a growing field?
The Population Association of America describes market analysis as the fastest growing branch of demography. According to the BLS, the 2019 median salary for marketing research analysts was $63,790 and jobs were expected to increase by 18 percent through 2029.
What are examples of demographics?
Demographic information examples include: age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, income, education, and employment. You can easily and effectively collect these types of information with survey questions.
Is age a demographic?
The common variables gathered in demographic research include age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, homeownership, and level of education. Demographical information makes certain generalizations about groups to identify customers.
What is population composition?
Population composition is the description of a population according to characteristics such as age and sex. These data are often compared over time using population pyramids.
What do you mean by population composition by age?
Population classified on the basis of age is called population composition by ages. There are different people of different age. Some are a child, some are young, some are adults and some are old. These people of different age as a whole make a community or the population.
What is meant by population composition very short answer?
Population composition: (i)Population composition refers to those characteristics of population which are measurable and which help us distinguish one group of people from the other. (ii)Age, sex, literacy, occupation are some of the important components which reflect the composition of population.
Why is population composition by age important Write your answer?
Population composition by age refers to the structure of the population of a place or a country by the age. The study of population composition by age helps to calculate the number of people in the country.
What is population composition Explain in short about its importance in planning?
Population composition plays an important role in planning because it helps to know the number of males or females, their age groups, literacy rate, their occupation, their income level and health conditions, etc. that may help to utilise human resource, provide needed facilities and manage the population.
What is population composition and how do they help in understanding the population of country?
Answer: Population composition refers to the structure of the population. The composition of the population helps us know how many are males or females, which age group they belong to, how educated they are, what type of occupations they are employed in and what their income levels and health conditions are.
What is the composition of India population?
Hindus account for 80.5 per cent of the total population and Muslims of 13.4 per cent. Christians are the third major group. Sikhs are mainly concentrated in Punjab. Jains and Buddhists as social groups are more like Hindus.
What do you understand by population composition 8?
Population composition refers to the structure of the population of a particular region. It helps us to know the number of males or females in the population, their age, qualification, occupations, income status and health conditions.
Why is population study essential 8?
Why is population study essential? Solution: Population studies are essential for the government to plan areas such as health, education, housing, social security, employment, and environmental preservation. Sixty per cent of the world’s people stay in just 10 countries.
What is population pyramid and its importance?
Population pyramids are important graphs for visualizing how populations are composed when looking a groups divided by age and sex. There are three trends in population pyramids: expansive, constrictive, and stationary.