By | April 2, 2019

IUM And UNDP Consolidate Partnership 2019

IUM and UNDP Namibia recently held a consultative meeting to further explore thematic areas that are to be prioritized between the two parties as per the Agreement of Cooperation that was signed last year between IUM and UNDP.

The Cooperation Agreement aims to facilitate collaboration between IUM and UNDP in areas of common interest such as research, training and enhancing IUM capacity to undertake targeted research, particularly in the areas of sustainable development goals.

The expected key outcomes of the Agreement include: evidence-based research and analytical ‘peer reviewed’ products/papers and participation in the national processes for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) reporting, monitoring and evaluation; organization (by co-hosting) of events (such as conferences, dialogues, round tables, workshops) on critical issues touching/focusing on the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development; and contributions to the National Human Development Report, and other UNDP strategic policy/position papers.