By | April 9, 2021

List of Children’s Rights in Namibia

What Are Children Right?

Children’s rights are a subset of human rights with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.

These Are Some of The List of Children’s Rights in Namibia

The right to a nationality

Protection against economic exploitation of under 16-year-olds

Protection of under 14-year-olds against child labour and protection against forced labour.

Every child has the right to be born well.

Every child has the right to a wholesome family life.

Frequently Ask Questions

What rights are included in child rights list them in Namibia?

Children’s rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors, including their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for food, universal state-paid education, health care and criminal laws .

What are some rights of a child in Namibia?

Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. Children’s rights cover their developmental and age-appropriate needs that change over time as a child grows up.

At what age does child protection stop in Namibia?

The local authority decides that the child is no longer suffering or at risk of significant harm and so no longer needs safeguarding through a child protection plan. the child reaches the age of 18. To end the plan, social services should have a review around the child’s birthday.

What are the children’s rights and responsibilities In Namibia?

  • A name and a nationality from birth.
  • Family care or parental care, or to appropriate alternative care when removed from the family environment.
  • Basic nutrition, shelter, basic health care services and social services.
  • Be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.

What are the four main baskets of children’s rights?

The Convention on the Rights of the Child comprises four main pillars – the right to survival, the right to protection, the right to development and the right to participation.

What is a child rights based approach in Namibia?

A child rights-based approach is a conceptual framework for the process of human development that is normatively based on international children’s rights standards and operationally directed to promoting, protecting and fulfilling children’s human rights.

What are the principles of child protection in Namibia?

Core principles include: the child’s survival and development, best interests of the child, non-discrimination, children’s participation. Sphere, Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and its core principles and standards for child protection work (see the diagram below).

How long can a child stay on a child protection plan in Namibia?

Usually a child will require a child protection plan for no longer than two years. By that stage the work undertaken with the family usually means that the child is no longer at risk. In a small number of cases where there is no improvement, it may be necessary for the court to become involved.

How are children’s rights violated in Namibia?

These violations include child poverty, violence against children in all its forms as well as discrimination against girls, children born outside of wedlock, children with disabilities, and migrant, asylum seeking, stateless and refugee children, she added.

Why is it important to protect children’s rights in Namibia?

An efficient protection is essential to the children’s well-being because, as vulnerable people, they are more exposed to problems of mistreatment, exploitation, discrimination and violence.

What is a rights based approach in social work in Namibia?

A rights-based approach implies that statutory authorities have a responsibility and duty in relation to those with social care needs. These rights are universal and are codified in international conventions and national legislation.

What are the four principles of protection in Namibia?

The four Protection Principles follow from the summary of rights set out in the Humanitarian Charter: the right to life with dignity, the right to humanitarian assis- tance and the right to protection and security. be caused or exacerbated by humanitarian response.

What are child protection systems in Namibia?

A child protection system can be defined as: ‘Certain formal and informal structures, functions and capacities that have been assembled to prevent and respond to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children.